For our tactile letter activity we made a squishy bag. I didn't have hair gel so I used some creamy body wash instead. I put some in a ziplock bag and we added some blue food coloring to make it pretty. Then Boo practiced writing her letter Uu with a Q-tip.
We also continued to used our blend ladder to practice reading words with the short /u/ sound like "sun." I'm so proud of how well she's doing and remembering all of her letters.
Here are some of the fun activities we did to help us learn our 5 senses..
I blindfolded Boo. She had to reach into a paper bag and try to tell what the items inside were by feeling them. Then I put socks over her hands and it was much more difficult to figure out what she was holding. We discovered how we need our skin to feel. We also went on a texture hunt. Boo had to feel things around the house until she found an item for each texture on her list.

For our smell activity we just had a blind smell test. I put a different smelly item in each cup, and had them close their eyes and try to tell what they were smelling. I used: popcorn, orange, her shampoo, cinnamon, chocolate syrup, peanut- butter, playdough (oddly one of my fav smells), and banana. Unfortunately Boo only guessed 2 of the 8 right and some of her answers were crazy :/ Good thing her other 4 senses are working, because I don't think she'd make it on smell alone.
We had a sick day this week and so we ended up having to cram 2 senses into one day, so we also did taste on the same day as sight. We tasted a lemon, sugar and salt and discussed the difference in taste. Then we samples some snacks and they had to tell me which one was sour, sweet, etc.
Since we had a short week we ended up skipping our craft. We had planned to do self portraits that said "God made us wonderful."
These are the books we used with this unit.
Baby Bear Highlight:
The highlight of Baby Bear's week is that she used the potty for the first time! I'm so proud of her and so ready to be done buying diapers!
Sis Highlight:
Sis is finishing up reading her Felicity books. We've really enjoyed them. We are going to watch the movie to celebrate finishing the books. We will have a week of review and learning a little bit more about the time period. Then we have a "Colonial Days" week planned. I decided to keep most of her activities and crafts to do all together in one week rather than spread them out. I think she's going to have a lot of fun.