Sis has learned about the Greeks, Persians, and the Golden Age of Greece these 3 weeks. In unit 20 we looked at different kinds of Greek columns like those used in building the Parthenon. For her history project Sis made a 3D paper column that was stuffed with tissue paper to make it stand. She had to choose one of the types of capitals (or column tops) that we studied for her column. She drew it, cut it out and made it 3D by stuffing it.

Boo is still learning about pioneers in US history.
We learned about pioneers on the Ohio river and Eli Whitney's inventing the cotton gin. We looked at how the pioneers use to make clothing from cotton. It was a lot of work! Slaves had the awful job of picking all the seed out of the cotton before it could be made into cloth. Cotton was very expensive.
A fun project that Boo and Baby bear did together was to take a cotton ball, stretch it out, and glue little black seeds made of paper to the cotton. Then we wadded it back up into a cotton ball. The next day the girls had to pick the seeds out and imagine what it was like having to pick seed for the slaves. Then we learned that Eli Whitney invented the cotton Gin, a machine that could remove seeds making production of cotton faster and affordable for everyone.
On week 20 Boo learned about Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase. We added to our timeline and also added the States of Tennessee, Ohio, and Louisiana to our states map. One night we ate red beans and rice for our study of Louisiana, Boo did copy work for all of her history stories. We also learned about the war of 1812. I was so happy that Boo covered this war, because in few months we are visiting a real fort used in the war of 1812 where we are going to take a tour, meet soldiers, and see a musket demonstration! Sis already knows a lot about the war of 1812. When she was younger we read the American Girl Caroline books together which take place during this war. Finally, we listened to our national anthem, which was birthed out of the war of 1812 and we learned the story behind it.
For our daily read-aloud time Boo and I are slowly still reading through Farmer Boy. I know some people don't like this book because it's long and boring at parts, but Boo and I are really enjoying it! She begs to read it everyday.

Science: We finally finished learning about light in science! We moved on to the 2nd day of creation, water and sky. Our first lesson was about evaporation and condensation. We learned that many Christians (but not all) believe that the expanse mentioned in genesis on day 2 is the sky because waster evaporates and forms clouds above us. Therefore the sky separates the water beneath it from the water above it (clouds.) For our experiment we made a cloud! The instructions were to fill two glasses with water one boiling hot the other room temp. We lit two matches and dropped them into the glasses. The match dropped in the hot water let off a lot of smoke, the other did not. We covered the glass with hot water and a "cloud" formed inside the glass. We learned what steam is and why water that is hot steams.
Boo learned 2 new names for Jesus over the past few weeks. We've had a lot of Bible stories and two verses to memorize. The first name was "Lamb of God." This one is my favorite. We learned about the first passover and why a lamb would have been important to the Jewish people. Then we compared how Jesus was like a sacrificial lamb. I always seem to see a light bulb go off when I teach this subject, like it helps them to really understand why Jesus died on the cross and what that means. Sis made a handprint lamb with her memory verse on it. She traced her hand upside down and then we glued cotton balls for our wool.
The second name that we learned is "the vine." We learned that Jesus is like a vine and we are the branches. If we remain in him we will bear much fruit, but apart from him we can do nothing like a branch that has been cut off.
Art/Poetry: We did two poetry painting over these 3 weeks. The first was a winter scene of a tree on a snowy hill. The second was a mountain scene.
Baby Bear learned 3 new letters. We're trying hard to get her through all of them before summer, she's doing great so far and she loves doing art with her big sisters.