Friday, August 1, 2014

Called to Homeschool

Let me begin by saying I LOVE homeschooling my girls! Often, I think I get more excited about the lessons, crafts, and school books than they do. Artistic craftiness runs through my veins, and having the experience of teaching children at my church for the past 16 years, probably makes homeschooling a little bit easier for me. 

However, I'm a firm believer that anyone can homeschool.  Regardless of educational experience or artistic abilities, if God calls you down this path he will give you the grace and tools you need to fulfill that calling. I always say you only have to be one lesson smarter than your student. 

In my opinion there is nothing more rewarding. There's just something about seeing the look in your child's eyes when she reads her first word, or when something "clicks" and after countless lessons she suddenly understand the gospel. Homeschooling is so much more to me than giving my kids an academic education. It's about being together as a family, the closeness that develops between siblings who have grown and learned together, being able to not miss any moment in their short childhood, the flexibility to have school on your own schedule whenever and where ever, the opportunity to learn through life experiences rather than sitting behind a desk, and being able to know exactly what they are being taught and influence by.

Most importantly homeschooling is about discipleship. God calls us as parents to disciple our children, to teach them and train them in the ways of the Lord. I'm thankful to be able to use curriculum that helps them to see history, science, and all subjects from a Christian perspective, and understand that all things in life point to our Creator. Our morning Bible lessons to me are the most important part of our day. There have been countless moments when our lessons have brought up deep conversation topics and questions from them that they would not be asking me if they were away at school. I'm thankful that I get to be the one to answer those hard questions. I believe that by being with them all the time and learning together as a family, they are more comfortable to be open and share things with me. One of my favorite school memories was last year sitting in the backyard after reading our lesson on India in geography, my 8 year old looked up from her shovel with tears in her eyes and said "Mom I can't quit thinking about the children of India. I feel like God might want me to be a missionary someday." Moments like those are priceless!

However, I think that often times homeschoolers get falsely viewed as having only joyful school days with a bunch of well behaved children working together in the kitchen to bake a pie. There are definitely those moments, but homeschooling is not all fun or happy. Often it's down right hard. I am not a naturally patient person and have a tendency to yell. I have to pray everyday for God to help me exercise the fruits of the Spirit.  Our home is almost always so loud that it would drive the most patient person nutty! My kids know how to make bigger messes quicker than anyone I know. Tattling, arguing, and sibling jealousy are daily battles around here. There are some days that nobody can focus and I feel like throwing our school books out the window or I've had to explain the same math concept so many times that I want to pull out my hair! There's been a lot of trial and error over the last 3 years. Homeschooling is not easy, but to me the benefits out way the challenges, and I've never considered anything else.

Having said that, I do not believe that homeschooling is for everyone. If you have chosen a different path the purpose of this blog is not to make you feel inferior, or that homeschooling is the choice you should choose.  I know beyond a doubt that God has called OUR family down this path in life, but I believe also every family is different. He has a unique calling and plan for each family, and homeschooling is not the only way for christian parents to give their children a strong christian education. Each family must seek God as to what is his will for them be it public, private, or homeschool. I have been so encouraged by reading weekly blogs from other homeschool moms. Taking a peek into the lives of others using the same curriculum as us has been especially motivating. I hope to do the same for someone else. So,  my intent in this blog is to give ideas and encouragement to others who may be headed down this road, and to give a little insight into our personal homeschool experiences. Thanks for reading!

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