Friday, December 12, 2014

Cc- Cow

This week we started learning Cc-is for Cow. Our words to remember were " God's word helps me grow." We learned that just like cow's milk helps babies grow and our bones grow stronger, the word of God helps
our spirits to grow.

We did a lot of phonics activities at the beginning of this week. We sang our Aa-apple song and short vowel song.
Boo used her alphabet letter puzzles and blend ladder. We played letter sound bingo. I'm surprised how quickly the reading is progressing from blending 2-3 letter sounds to reading 3-5 words at a time. Some of our worksheets like this one now has her reading whole sentences and she's doing great with it.

 For our tactile letter activity we drew the letter Cc in chocolate pudding. Who says you shouldn't play with your food!

For our story times we read these cow related books...

Boo memorized the poem "Hey Diddle Diddle," and we made a poster for our poem. You can find the free printable that we used Here . They can also be used as puppets to act out the poem.

Due to a family emergency at the end of the week we ended up cutting our cow week short. One of my favorite things about homeschooling though is that when life happens, we have the freedom to take a break and don't have to worry about the kids missing school.  We ended up skipping homemade butter and the dairy party we had planned. However Boo finished all of her book work and we did drink chocolate milk and eat cheese samples on Friday.

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