Friday, January 9, 2015

Pp- Penguin

This week we learned about penguins. Our words to remember were "I show love to everyone, especially my family." We looked at Emperor penguin families. We read about how the father takes care of the egg while the mother leaves to find food, and how the adult penguins huddle together to protect the new babies. We also talked a lot about our own family and how we can show love to one another. Boo had to think of one special way to show love to each family member this week.

For our tactile letter activity Boo made Pp's out of Legos.

We used these books for info on penguins: National Geographic Kids, Penguins and The Little Penguin by A. J. Wood.

I'm still trying everything I can find to get her to learn her numbers! I made these penguin number flashcards for reviewing #'s 1-8. I just found some cute clip art online and printed one that I liked, and I wrote the numbers on the bellies. Then we played a game called feed the penguins. She had to identify the number and count out the correct amount to feed each penguin.

One activity that we did this week was to pretend to be father Emperor penguins caring for an egg. The girls took turns trying to balance and walk with an egg between their feet ( I was going to boil some eggs but then we remembered that they had a plastic play food egg that would work just as well so we went with that.) They discovered that it wasn't as easy as it sounds. It must be really hard for those penguins to do this for months with no break! *note: just for the record my kids refuse to wear socks in the house ever.

Another activity we did was this math sheet. I made a mark on the wall to show the height of a emperor penguin. Then we measured ourselves to see how tall we would be standing next to one, Boo was just about an inch shorter than a penguin. Then we hopped on the scales and compared our weight to one of these big penguins!

Sis Highlight:

I just wanted to say that I'm proud of Sis for getting 100% 50 out of 50 words right on her big unit spelling test! We also finished our study of Abraham in Bible (Boo does that with us too.) We're still using Long story Short and loving it. This bible curriculum is going to last us probably 2 years bc we're on unit 14 of 77 and half way through the school year! This week Sis said to me "Mom I'm so glad that you really teach us the bible at home! We learn some of these stories at church, but they usually don't tell as many details. Like we've learned about Abraham before, but when we studied it at home I learned so many things that I didn't know! I understand what it means now to be a child of Abraham." One of our favorite lessons was about how through Jesus we become heirs to the promise (Sis for the first time understood the song "Father Abraham!LOL) It made me happy when she said that. 

There's something about studying the word of God as a family that makes a huge impact on a child. Church is not where my kids learn the bible, it's in addition to what they are being taught at home. I don't believe it's enough to send them to Sunday school or children's church once a week to learn. It's the job of all Christian parents (home schooled or not) to teach their child the word of God. Plus hearing it and studying it with their parents, and being able to openly ask personal questions will have a greater effect on their life than learning it in a classroom.  If you don't have a daily time to read & study the bible together with your children, I encourage you to purchase a family devotional or simply begin reading and discussing a few verses a day. It will make a huge difference in your child's understanding and love of God's word.

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