In our art book, Usborn's, "I Can Draw Animals," we learned how to draw a dolphin. Boo has been having so much fun doing her weekly drawing. I'm so glad that I added this to her week.
In science we learned about thunder and lightning, but we also went back to rain from last week. We talked more about the water cycle. We filled up a glass with water, marker the water level and placed it in a sunny window. We will measure how much has evaporated over the next week.

One of the fun math projects we skipped last week was to play "Sunshine Cafe." The instructions were to set up a play "cafe," for lunch time and have Boo serve lunch and figure everyone's bills.We decided to change it up a bit. We have a serious American Girl doll obsession over here, so I knew all the girls would want in on the fun if we used this assignment to play AG. I helped Boo make her menu and price her food items. The all the girls set up a table and decorated. Boo took all the orders, "cooked" the food, and served the customers. Then I helped her add up and pass out the cute little bills that our curriculum came with. This game was a huge hit. We all had so much fun and Boo got to practice her addition. I absolutely love having a house full of little girls and I love that even though they all have a 3 year gap in age they all 3 like to play together. Occasionally, Sis goes off to read on her own (bc she's a book worm,) but the majority of their time is spent doing things together. Sure let's be real they argue, tattle, and sometimes want to kill each other (all that stuff sisters do) but they really are best friends. It's a rare to find them each doing their own thing. If one gets out a coloring book, they all color. If one is doing a puzzle, they all go get puzzles! They watch tv together, play dolls, sleep together. Nothing makes my heart happier than to know that no matter where we are in life they will always have each other.

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