Christmas, so we honestly spent more time doing holiday activities than thinking about horses. Despite the business of the season we did manage to finish all of our school work and squeeze in a few horse related activities.
Boo's words to remember this week were "I obey right away." We talked about how a horse learns to obey the commands of it's master right away. God wants to direct us down a good path. We should obey his commands and not doubt the direction he's leading us. We also learned and sang the song "Trust and Obey."
We compared a horse to a car discussing the ways traveling by horse would be different. We also talked about the many ways horses have been used to help people in the past.
We did a classifying animal activity. Boo had to separate the farm animals from the non-farm animals, then she practiced classifying them in diff ways like animals that walk on 4 feet and 2 feet, long tails & short tails, etc.
We did an "H is for Horse" craft. I cut the shapes out of brown construction paper. Boo used them to build the letters, then we added a faces, hair, and tails to make a cute momma horse and a foal.

For a fun extra activity Boo watched her favorite horse movie after school one day, Barbie and Her Sister's in a Pony Tale. This has been one of her favorites for a while now. You can watch the full movie for free online here... A Pony Tale
Here are some pics from our all day Christmas baking at Grandma's this week. The girls also painted ornaments. I love being able to take days like this off when ever we want, especially near the holidays.
Sis Highlight:
Sis completely finished up her study of the American Revolution. We did a big review of all the facts we have learned. We don't do written tests for history or science, but she did an oral narration for me in her own words to show all that shes learned. She talked about the 13 colonies, the patriots and loyalists, Boston tea Party, British soldiers, the war, George Washington, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I give her an A! We're loving using these American girl guides. Now we're on to the war of 1812 with Caroline.
One last project we did this week was make a quill pen like they used in colonial times. We made a scroll and used liquid India ink to practice writing our letters fancy like felicity did. We rolled up our scroll and sealed it.
Boo wanted a quill pen too so she practiced her Hh's on her scroll and drew a picture of a horse. I was actually really impressed with her horse considering she free handed it without a picture to look at.
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