This week Boo learned about Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel. Both of these stories in her Bible reader had more text than we had last week, so school took us a bit longer than usual. It looks like for the rest of the school year there will be two stories each week to read. The pattern will stay the same...I read the long version of the story from my book, Boo retells it in her own words, reads a shortened version from her reader, then writes and illustrates her notebook. From here on out we will also add each story to our timeline. She also learned the "ow' sound in phonics.
Here are the pages she did in her notebook...
Here is our timeline so far...this is actually a 2 year project! Next year we will continue to add to our timeline all the way to modern times.

Boo finally used her weather chart to make a graph. We also practiced addition in her math workbook.
Not much else to write about this week. I'm glad to say that after a couple weeks of sickness everyone is well again. I'm glad because we have exciting things happening next week. We will be taking a little mid-winter family time break, so only 3 school days next week. woohoo!
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