This week Boo learned about the parting of the Red Sea and the manna in the desert for her Bible stories and reading. She spent a lot of the week sick, so we didn't do a whole lot of work.
After learning how Miriam led the people in dancing and worship after crossing the Red Sea, Boo (and Baby Bear) made a tambourine to make there own music with. We just did a simple paper plate painted with watercolors. The next day we folded it in half, filled it with dry beans and taped up the edges.
In math we started learning about measurement. First we learned about non-standard measurement. Boo had to first look at objects and tell if they were longer or shorter.
Then we practiced measuring things with a toothpick. Dad explained to her that measurements like inches and feet actually came from body parts because people use to use real feet to measure. He told her a lot of times he uses his finger to measure at work.
We did a workbook page for nonstandard measurement, where we had to measure an object (Dad's Bible) using different tools to measure it (crayon, paperclip, etc.)
On day 2 we learned about rulers and measuring inches. We went around measuring a bunch of things with our ruler. Then, we played this inchworm game. On your turn, you had to draw a card with a picture of an object. Then measure that object with a ruler. However many inches the object was long is how many spaces you moved forward on the board. Boo had fun with it. I'm so glad we decided to switch to MFW's suggested math. It has been so much better for her, to do hands on activities like this.