Sunday, April 10, 2016

MFW 1st grade: Week 22

This week Sis learned the ten commandments. She already knew most of them from her sunday school classes, but we practiced saying them all. We learned the story of God giving the commandments to Moses on top of the mountain. She got a little lazy in her writing this day and decided to just copy the title, even though it gives a ton of lines to write her summary. I sighed and didn't make her change it (bad mom move!) Her drawing cracked me up too. The commandments are as big as the mountain and it looks like Jesus standing out in the desert rather than Moses!Ha. I love all of these drawing this year though, They will be fun to look at in a few years.

We also learned about adding "ed" to the end of words. I thought that their way of explaining doubling consonants was interesting..."If a word end with a silent e already, just add a "d" and the e still works like a silent e making the vowel say it's name...but if a word does not end in a 'silent e' you have to build a wall that the 'e' can't jump over before adding the 'ed.' You do this by doubling the last consonant, then the 'e' can not get over the double  letters to change the vowel." I've never heard it explained that way, but Boo thought it was fun "blocking" the silent e's.

Her second bible story and journal entry this week was the story of the twelve spies.  I was so proud of Boo this day. She read three pages from her book better than I've ever heard her read! It only took us a few minutes to complete the whole reading assignment. She still has days when she struggles, but I feel like finally a light is beginning to come on and she's catching on to the reading a lot faster. She also did much better on her summary with this one, although she decided that she did not want to color her drawing.

In math Boo practiced measuring using centimeters. She's pretty good at measuring so we'll be moving on to something new next week.

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