History: Sis and I started reading a good book together this week to go along with her history studies. It's called the Golden Bull. It's a story about two young kids in ancient Mesopotamia and the Biblical city of Ur. So far it's been really exciting and keeps us wanting to read more. One thing I have to say is that every school year we get all of these read-alouds. I usually take one look at the cover and think..ugh that looks long and boring, but we always end up loving these stories. They are always filled with history (real living books, no fluff) yet they are thrilling stories that keep our interest. I love that Heart of Dakota always picks excellent books for me to read to Sis that I would have never chosen for her on my own.
Boo learned about Christopher Columbus in US History this week. she made a picture of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria with construction paper. We read all about Columbus and added his picture to our timeline. Boo did some copy-work and colored a picture of a ship. We're working on neat handwriting and grammar (like capital letters and punctuation.)
Boo and I also started her read aloud history books. We are reading stories from American Pioneers and Patriots.

Science: We are learning about light for the first day of Creation in our Science In the Beginning book. All 4 of us are doing science together this year. This week we learned that white light is actually made up of all the colors of the rainbow. When we see a rainbow in the sky we are actually seeing the colors of the white light from the sun being separated. For our experiment we looked at a flame from a candle through a CD, which has the ability to separate the colors. The reflection of the flame showed up in all the colors of the rainbow. It was actually really cool looking. Boo also learned the order of the colors of the rainbow.
Art/ Poetry: Our Robert Frost poem this week was called "The Pasture." The girl's painted a pasture spring with twigs sticking up.
Other than that Boo only missed one word on her first spelling test ever!! I'm so proud of her. Also, I didn't take a lot of pictures of Baby Bear but she had fun painting with us, watching the science experiment this week, and she learned the letter "B."
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