Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 8

I thought we would never finish week 8. Due to sickness it took us two weeks to finish one, but we slowly worked our way through it. We ended up not doing many extra's or activities since it was a struggle to even get our book work finished. I'm way behind on posts, but here is a recap of week 8.

History: Boo learned about Benjamin Franklin in history. Before we began I told her we would be learning about someone who was important to American history and that it was someone she's probably heard of or seen a picture of before. Then I asked her to guess. She first guessed Washington (good guess,) but when I asked her to try again she answered "Captain America?" I laughed so hard! She was not joking. Maybe not as exciting as Captain America, but we read all about the life of Franklin with his many accomplishments and inventions. Boo drew a picture of Franklin and his kite experiment and she wrote a little about him. We also added Ben to our timeline. Boo also made a "Poor Richard's Almanac," for her history binder. Inside are some of the wise sayings that Franklin wrote in his famous little book.


Sis is learning bout the time of the judges now. For read a loud this week we read the book of Ruth together instead of a story book, since it takes place in the time period of the judges. Here is a picture of her note-booking pages with her timeline and narrations. I also snapped a pic of her doing some of her Bible reading this week. It's so much more fun when you can have school with your puppy.

Reading: Sis and I didn't start any new books because we read Ruth. Boo started reading "real books," for her reading time. Up till now she has been using the Bible reader from last years curriculum to read aloud to me. We have a whole shelf of easy readers in our school room, so we started reading the level 1 books.

Boo's Bible: 

Boo Added a new name of Jesus to our wall. This week we started learning that Jesus is the rock. Her memory verse is Matt 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." We read the story of the two builders and we learned the song "The wise man built his house upon the rock." We also looked at some of our rock collection and talked about how Jesus is like a rock.

 Math, Spelling, LA:

Sis is using MathU See Epsilon to learn fractions this year. This past week we worked on equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting them. Instead of using the regular MUS blocks, which we have used every year up till now, this year came with fraction overlays. The colors coordinate with the blocks, but they seem really helpful in understanding how fractions work. So far I'm happy with this years math choice for her and she seems to be doing well with it. This is what the  new overlays and visuals look like:

Boo is working on memorizing her double addition facts (5+5, 6+6, etc.) We are slowly working our way through her curriculum and just moving at her own pace. If she can get all of her addition facts down this year and start working on subtraction I will be happy. That's pretty much where I've set my goal for her. Next year we will probably trying a whole new math curriculum for her.

She is still getting use to having weekly spelling words, but she is doing pretty well. The hardest part of spelling is trying to convince her that it's ok to miss a word. She is so sensitive about it, but she cries every time she misspells a word! I recently heard a mom say that they do not correct or have children fix their mistakes in their public school. I think that's ridiculous! I hate to see Boo cry when she fails, but I also believe that failure is part of life and correcting our mistakes is part of learning. I try my best to reassure her that it's alright. If she always got every answer right then she wouldn't need school. School is for learning things that we don't know.

Here's Baby Bear working on the letter "G". I print her coloring sheets off the internet every time we learn a new letter.
We didn't have any art or science week 8. The girl's all missed doing their painting, but I'm pretty sure that our poetry painting are scheduled again next week.

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