Friday, November 7, 2014

Dd- Dinosaur

I'm pretty sure dinosaur week was one of our favorite weeks so far! I've been planning and looking forward to it since week one and was able to fit in a fun field trip. I'm secretly just as fascinated with dinosaurs as the kids.

Our words to remember were "Big and small, God made them all." We learned that not all dinosaurs were big, but no matter how big or small God made every living creature.

As creationists it's not easy to find books on this subject that don't contain evolution or an unbiblical view. We read "What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?" by Ken Ham. I really liked this book. Even though a lot of it is theory, I think it does a good job of presenting a biblical theory on dinosaurs that makes sense.

I don't always talk about the actual paper work Boo is doing, but every day she has worksheets to do. I'm so proud of her for how well she's doing with her handwriting and phonics.

 Our curriculum suggested we sing 5 Little Dinosaurs (to the tune of 5 Little monkey's jumping on the bed.) I made these stick puppets for Boo to use to act out the song as we sang it. I also found this cute poem HERE  that we read and did motions.

Boo is getting letters down, but is still really struggling to recognize numbers. I found some small wooden dinosaurs at the dollar store, and wasn't sure what to use them for. I decided to write numbers on them. We used them all week to practice. We used them like flash cards. We also played games with them like place the correct number next to the a certain # of items, or put the numbers in order, etc.

I also found these Dinosaur Excavation Kits for $1at Dollar Tree. We talked about Paleontologists, dinosaur bones, and fossils. Then we used these kits to dig up our own dinos.
 Have I ever mentioned how much I love the dollar store?lol. I also bought these dinosaur flash cards. We looked through them and read the diff names. We picked out our favorite dinosaur and decided we would each take our card with us on our field trip. First one to spot their fav dino at the museum wins!

For tactile letter activity (idk if this is really considered "tactile") we used our "Leap Frog Scribble and Write" to practice our Dd's. I love this little thing. It's perfect for learning to write letters. It explains step by step how to form them and then the kids trace and erase. Boo got it for her b-day a couple years ago. It also teaches to draw shapes, capital letters, and has games. Well worth $20 in my opinion.

Both Boo and Sis love to draw so much. There's not a day that goes by that they don't draw at least one picture. It's impossible for me to keep our school room stocked with computer paper! I found a "learn to draw dinosaurs" book at the library and knew they would love it. So, for an art project I walked them through the steps of drawing some of their favorite dinos.

On Friday we had an end of the unit movie day. We watched "Walking with Dinosaurs" and had popcorn.

These are the books we used for story time through out the week...

Finally here are some pics from our Dino field trip to the museum. We saw mastodons, mammoths, a T-Rex head, a stegosaurus, prehistoric sea creatures, fossils, and a lot more...

Boo was the first to spot the dino on her card...Triceratops! (head only)

Sis Highlight:

Sis received and sent out her first pen pal letter this school year. One of her favorite parts of English is writing letters. She has two friends Jordan and McKayla from different parts of the US, both Christian homeschooled girls around her age. They started writing each other over a year ago and love to send drawings, pictures, and talk about their interests. She loves getting mail from her pen pals and it's a great way to practice handwriting.

Both Sis and Boo also received their first medals in gymnastics this week! So proud of them!


  1. Would you mind sharing the clip art you used for the stick puppets? Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Jessi, I wouldn't mind at all! I'm not quite sure how to share it because I have it saved as a Microsoft Word document. I will try to figure out how to post it for you later tonight :)

  3. Also, my email is Thanks!

    1. I emailed it to you with an attachment. Let me know if it doesn't work.
