Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our New Elf on the Shelf (less stress) Tradition

Meet Elfie! This will be his 3rd year with our family.  A couple years ago I gave in and decided to pay a small fortune for this little guy complete with a book (and since that time a movie) so that my girls could experience all of the fun that is "Elf on the Shelf." They've loved him from day one. In fact I'm pretty sure I get asked when Elfie is coming back more than any other question throughout  the year. The first year we had so much fun! He toilet papered our living room, hung underwear on the tree, made tons of messes, and even stole our tooth money! About half way through his 2nd year here, I started to realize that Elfie is a LOT of work. Don't get me wrong I've never regretted starting this tradition especially after seeing the smiles he brings to their faces. but THIS MOMMA'S TIRED! By Christmas morning year 2 I had thought up (or found on pinterest) 60 different ways for our elf to get into trouble. Do you know how stressful it is at midnight to realize you've forgotten the elf and have to come up with some sort of mischief that's equally exciting as last night, before you can go to bed! Soon this fun tradition started to feel more like a hassle than a joy. Now with another little one added to our family I'm busier than ever. I've started to wonder why am I purposefully adding more stress and work to our already busiest time of the year!

As Dec 1st and the return of our beloved Elfie draws near I've began to search Pinterest for ideas. I found about 3 that I liked...that means I only have to come up with 22 more!( bc repeating ideas from the last 2 years is really lame right?) I started to dread the return of our dear Elfie. Then I had a scary thought...My youngest is just turning 2. My 8 year old still loves the elf, so that means I probably have at least 9 more years of my life to come up with Elf ideas! That's at least 270 more genius pranks to come up with! The Christmas season is already so busy, and searching pinterest EVERY night for a new bigger and better idea just adds to the stress of the season that's suppose to be a joyful time of celebrating Jesus. I started to think there has to be a way to simplify our elf tradition.

So, I started to brainstorm...How can I make Elfie less work and still use him to make fun memories with my girls. They love to watch the Elf on the Shelf movie every year. Then something else occurred to me, the elf in the movie is never naughty or even does nice funny pranks! The elf in the book simply hides and the elf in the movie doesn't even do that, he just sits on the shelf! So why in the world does our elf have to be always getting into trouble or being silly? (even though the kids think it's hilarious.) Where did that come from?  Then I had my "AHA" moment...HE DOESN'T HAVE TO! Last year my girl's favorite "elf visit" was the night he arrived on Dec 1st. He didn't even do anything crazy just gave them a note and a small gift. 

Another tradition we have always had is a Christmas advent calendar or countdown. We usually come up with a different idea each year and it usually involves the girls getting a small treat or piece of candy each day for the month of Dec. Then I got an idea... how about I combine the two and instead of pranks our Elfie can simply help us countdown the days till Christmas putting the emphasis on the day we celebrate Jesus rather than on his silly antics. What if each morning Elfie gave the girls a number to hang up counting down the days till Christmas and then occasionally a small treat? Since the elf in the story book simply hides I decided it wouldn't be too much work to just hide Elfie. My girls would still love searching for him each morning. I think it would be a less stressful tradition and still lots of fun. I know coming up with a new spot to hide him each night could also get tiring. Perhaps in the future he will simply sit on the fireplace with a treat each morning, but for this year our Elfie will just hide.

I came across the cutest thing from another mom on  Little Elf envelopes! Seriously how cute are these! Some days instead of a piece of candy he will have a little note in the envelope that says "Family Christmas movie day, Christmas cookie day, or lets make a tree ornament."

I bought a few cheap surprises like new coloring books and candy. I really didn't spend a lot (actually less than I normally would on Christmas countdown candy) and I made these number cards to display on the wall.

Again I found the blank printable cards HERE at Over the big Moon. I filled in the numbers and covered them with clear contact paper so that they will stay nice for future years. This will also save me from stress in the future of having to think up and make a new countdown calendar next year! I'll prob hang them something like this. I love the tree shaped countdowns..

 Our Elfie will still arrive and leave each year with a letter for the girls. I feel like I can breath a huge sigh of relief though, NO MORE racking my brain every night or pressure to come up with the greatest elf pranks around! Maybe I can relax just a bit more and focus on the true meaning of the season...Now if I could only come up with a way to take the stress out of holiday shopping!

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