Friday, February 13, 2015

Bb- Butterfly

This week has been interesting. We had to have school away from home all week, because of a family emergency. We packed up all of our books and brought them with us. We didn't get as much done as we would have at home, but we were still able to make it work.

This week we learned about butterflies. We had to put our real butterfly garden on hold because of the cold, but we plan on coming back to it this spring. We learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly, and how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Our bible connection was that just like a caterpillar changes into something totally new, God can change peoples hearts. In Christ we become a new creation and our old self is gone. We learned about Zacchaeus, and how his heart changed after he met Jesus. That was evident in the fact that he gave back all the money he had wrongly taken. Our words to remember were "God can make me new."

We read this book about butterflies.

Then we made our own little butterfly book. We combined two of the suggested projects this week (draw a life cycle chart and decorate a butterfly) into one project. First we divided a paper into four sections and Boo drew pictures for each of the four stages in the butterflies life. We also acted out the stages where she curled up in a ball for egg etc. Then we folded our paper into a little book, and we made a butterfly for the cover. We learned how the butterflies wings are symetrical or that one wing is an exact mirror image of the other, so she had to practice coloring both wings to match. Then we glued it to the cover of our book.

There have been a lot of 1sts in math this week. One thing that we started was "coin cup," to begin learning to count money." Each day Boo adds one penny to her coin cup. We will count the coins every day after we add a new one. On day five the pennies will be replaced with a nickle, 2 nickles a dime. etc.

We also began our MathUSee Primer this week. Boo has been waiting all year to have her own math workbook, blocks, and video like Sis. I finally decided that she was ready.

We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I had so many cute activities pinned on Pinterest for this one, but being away from home made it to hard so we just read it. Then I made her this little math worksheet to go along with it. I put a number nxt to the caterpillar heads, and she had to finger paint the correct number of caterpillar bodies.

For our words to remember craft we used this scratch art set. My kids love these. You can find them at any craft store. There happened to be a butterfly stencil in the box. Boo scratched out her colorful butterfly and then I scratched her words to remember onto her paper.

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