Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ff- Frog

This week we learned about frogs! This was unit 22 of 26, that means only 4 weeks left of Kindergarten for Boo! Of course we will continue to review and work on math at least until summer. Our frog unit focused on using our tongues wisely. We learned how frogs have very unique long tongues that they use to catch bugs. They have to sit with their tongues curled up in their mouth very quietly and patiently until the right time to attack. God also gave us tongues. We can choose to hold our tongue when we are angry and only speak words of love that build others up, or we can use our words to tear someone down or tell lies. God wants us to use our tongue and words wisely.

Here's a pic of us doing some school work in the girl's pop up gazebo. So much better than a desk! Isn't homeschooling great?


We learned about tadpoles and the life cycle of a frog. We made a life cycle wheel. I couldn't find a good one online that would print right, so I put together the free printables from two different sites and then cut the cover out of green construction paper to make a lilly pad. Boo colored the frog, we glued the pieces together and attached with a brad. Here are lionks to the two sites I printed from...

Frog lifecycle printable

Lifecycle wheel 

Here's a pic of the printables I ended up using and then a pic of the finished product. It was interesting learning about the different stages of development. Sis was suppose to raise tadpoles for science a couple months ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it...maybe in the future.

We had fun with story times this unit. I hadn't realized how many frog stories we own. Really it's embarrassing that we own so many books that we don't even know what's in our library. I think that kinda goes with homeschooling, but we all just love to read so I pick them up at thrift stores or where ever. I hadn't planned on reading so many, but the Frog and Toad stories especially were a huge hit with Boo. She kept begging to read more.

Boo learned the song 5 little speckled frogs. We watched this Youtube video and I made this cute little log to use as we sing the song. Every time a frog jumps into the pool you flip down one of the flaps, she loved it. Baby Bear thought it was funny too.

Here is a link to the website where I got the idea for the song craft.
5 little speckled frogs craft

Here's a pic of how ours turned out...

Sis Highlight:

Sis asked me to take a pic of her copywork/ handwriting practice. She has been doing a good job on her cursive writing.

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