"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5 (ESV).
This week we learned about elephants. Boo's favorite animal! For some reason she has loved elephants and said they're her favorite since she was really little, so she jumped up and down when she realized it was elephant week. Elephants are said to never forget, so this week we learned that we also should never forget all that God has done for us. We took turns naming things God has given us or done for us. The rest of the week we tried to name at least one miracle of Jesus a day that Boo could remember.
We didn't have any library books about elephants, but we looked up and read about them in our Kingfisher-First-Animal-Encyclopedia and watched the Youtube video below.
We did a memory game. I laid out 5 items. Boo had to look at them and then turn her back. I took one item away and she had to try to remember which item was missing. We played several times. Then I mixed up the items and she had to remember what order they had been in and line them back up.
We also listened to the story "Elmer the Elephant" about a patchwork elephant who loves to play jokes.
Boo's still been working really hard trying to learn numbers. I found this free Elmer color by number printable Here.
We also read "If I ran the zoo." I'm kinda bummed that it's too cold here to visit a real zoo during this unit.
We had a short week because of New Years so I cut out any crafts or extra's this week. We did all of our reg work and student sheets though. Boo was excited about this one, because it's something new. It was her first mini-book to cut out, staple, and read. It was also her first time trying to read a 4 letter word "sled." She did pretty good with it.
Sis Highlight:
Sis started learning about the war of 1812 and that whole time period. We're enjoying reading the American Girl Caroline books together and are on book 3 now. (Don't ask why my child chooses to wear a bridesmaids dress to school.haha)
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