We're on our 3rd and last week of learning about wild animals. This week was all about zebras. We learned that God gave zebra's stripes to help them hide from predators. Our words to remember were "I can't hide anything from God." We talked about God being all seeing and knowing. Our sins and even our most secret "hidden thoughts" are not hidden from God. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:13.
For our tactile letter activity Boo glued black and white (zebra stripe) squares to construction paper to form the letter Z. We also practiced "zzzooming" our fingers through the air to draw invisible z's.
We began basic addition for math. Boo is still working on number recognition but has #'s 1-8 down pretty good now. We started with very basic oral problems using manipulatives. Ex- two blocks plus one more block, how many blocks do you have now?
I just had to throw in this photo of my princess working on her worksheets. She got herself dressed for school. There's hardly a day that goes by that my girls don't want to be princesses (especially Baby Bear, she lives in dress up play clothes!) I'm also not strict about forcing them to work at a table. As long as the work is done neatly and they're not distracted I let them work however they're comfortable.
We had already learned about Africa during the elephant unit, so we reviewed locating Africa on our inflatable globe. We talked about the different animals that live there. Then Boo made an African poster by coloring and gluing the animals to a continent shaped paper that I cut out for her.
We're getting a little tired of paper crafts and I'm trying to avoid mid-year burn out. So we decided not to do a craft this unit. We did play a hide and seek game. Boo, Sis, and I took turn hiding a toy star while the other two raced to find it. This game reinforced the idea that we can hide things from each other, but we can't hide anything from God. Here's boo getting ready to hide her star.
Boo has begun reading "BOB" books along with her phonics worksheets and games. She's doing pretty well with them. It takes her a while to sound out the words most of the time, but she's getting it.

We also took a break from school on Thurs to have a "girls"day with Grandma and their Aunt Rachel. We played board games, watched a movie, ate lunch together, and did nails.
A little bit of Art Appreciation: We had an unusually warm couple of winter days (they are very few and far between where we live!) So we decided to take the girls to our annual "Snowfest," a local snow/ ice carving competition. We love looking at all of the amazing ice and snow scupltures, especially Sis (our little artist).
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