Instead of our regular worksheets I found the girls some really cute "100 day" sheets to fill out. I printed these free from This website is free to join and you can find tons printables that are free for just about any subject you're teaching! I love it. I just typed in "100 days of school." Our favorite worksheet was the "If I were 100" sheet. The girls made self portraits of their 100 year old selves. They turned out so cute! We used cotton balls for the white hair. It kind of made me sad though, because Boo asked "Momma will you still love us when we're 100?" Of course I'll always love my babies, but it's kind of sad to think that I will not still be here to know them when they're that old! Here is link to the website...
Teachers pay Teachers
For an easy craft we made cereal necklaces with 100 Apple Jacks ( I counted them out beforehand.) Sis use to love making these when she was 5 and it just occurred to me that I've never made one with Boo! So she had fun doing this activity. I was afraid Sis would think it was babyish and not want to participate but she actually still enjoyed it.
Another game we played was drop the 100 toothpicks into the cup to see who could get the most.
For lunch we ordered pizza and had a little pizza party. Of course pizza doesn't have anything to do with the #100, but what's a party without pizza right? Then we had cookies for dessert! I found this cookie idea on Pinterest and thought it was so cute!
Then to burn off our pizza we did 100 exercises!
Here's what it looked like:
*10 stretches
*10 jumping jacks
*10 hops
* 10 hops on 1 foot (right)
*10 hops on 1 foot (left)
*10 push ups
*10 secs of jogging in place
*10 laps around the room
*10 toe touches
*10 arm circles
Finally I gave them 100 day certificates. They had been joking all week that since 100 day happened to also be on allowance day that they should get $100 for allowance (nice try!) Obviously I wasn't gonna give them each $100 but I did find these jumbo size $100 bills at the Dollar Tree! Plus they were only one sided, so I made them into a reward certificate by writing on the back "Congratulations on completing 100 days of Kindergarten (or 3rd grade.) I'm very proud of you..Mom." Not as cool as getting real money, but they loved them and thought it was funny!
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