Our words to remember were "God gives me all that I need." We learned that God is the one who created plants. He gave them to us as food to eat. He also gave us the sun and rain to grow the plants. God is a good father and he gives us everything that we need.
We talked about the parts of a plant and labeled one.
We tried to keep school short and sweet this week. We didn't do many extra's or any crafts. At this point in the school year everyone starts to get a little antsy for spring and they start not wanting to do school. Keeping them motivated is challenging. I try to have a light week every now and then to avoid burn out. That just happened to be this week, we had a 3 day school week. The other two days we had a movie day at the start of the week and a shopping day on Friday.
Boo is doing great with her new math curriculum and is moving through it faster than I expected. She's doing well with learning to read too. She's also excited to be almost done with the alphabet and MFW K!
We did read a few stories. We read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, a chapter from Frog and Toad Together called "The Garden," and The Tale of Peter Rabbit. We had a measuring activity that went along with Peter Rabbit to practice using a ruler.
Sis Highlight:
Sis and I started reading her Kirsten American Girl books and learning about pioneers for history. We just love these historical series and want to own all of them! There are 6 books per series and they each have a learning section in the back full of facts about the time period. Plus each boxed set comes with a board game. So far they have all been really good stories. Each day after all her other work is done we usually cuddle up on the couch while Baby Bear naps and read these together . Sis says it's the most favorite part of her day. (It's mine too, I enjoy reading them them as much as she does!) I'm excited to be starting the pioneer days though because we have some neat projects planned that I'm hoping to be able to fit in the remainder of the year.
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