This week we learned about colors. Our theme was Y is for yellow, but we actually learned about all colors.

One of the first things I did was show Boo some nature pictures. The first set were in black and white, and I asked her how they were different from the real world? Then I showed her the full color pictures. We discussed how boring the world would be without color, and that God could have chosen to make the world without so many colors. We gave thanks for all the beautiful colors that God gave us to enjoy. We looked out the windows at all of the colors, and saw our first robin of the year! Spring is almost here! Our words to remember this week were, "Thank you God, for this beautiful world."

We learned the colors of the rainbow (ROYGBIV) and we made a little rainbow out of construction paper. This was really simple. We just cut strips of paper all the same size. Then we cut a little off of each end making the next color about an inch shorter than the one before it. Then we stapled all of the ends together to form the rainbow shape. Cute and easy!
We read the book "The Crayon Box That Talked." This is a cute story about a box of crayons who don't get along. They don't like each other, until a little girl uses them to make a beautiful picture and they realize that all the colors are needed.

We experimented with colors by mixing paint. We learned what the primary colors are, and how they can be mixed to form secondary colors. We also learned what happens when you mix black or white to colors.
Now that Boo can recognize and write her numbers 1-10, plus add and subtract a little, we began learning place value. Our number cups and out 100 chart that we worked on all year were suppose to introduce this. However, other than learning to count by tens and what the numbers look like, she didn't really grasp the concept. I've never been impressed by MFW math so we supplement. MathUsee uses what they call decimal street and they do an excellent job of teaching place value while making it easy for kids to understand. So Boo got introduced to decimal street, and we practiced putting all the little number blocks in their right places (or houses on the street.)
We also Had a party at Grandma's house for Saint Patrick's Day. We ate corned beef and cabbage (our yearly tradition.) We also had green punch, green sherbert, and gold chocolates. It was lots of fun for the kids!
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