Saturday, September 12, 2015

MFW 1st grade: Week 3

Here is a quick recap of what Boo learned in 1st grade this past week...
She finally finished her review of the alphabet.  We also completed out alphabet scroll that we have been working on the past couple weeks.

I feel like it's starting to get real now! Review is over...on to the new! We started learning some new phonics, one of which was long vowel sounds. I've been really nervous that this will confuse her. She seemed to do ok with it. We also started reading complete simple sentences in our workbook (something we began last year.)

In science we're still learning about plants. This week we learned about flowers. We learned about the parts of a flower and how pollination works.

We also reviewed the months of the year and talked about seasons. Boo made a Four Season's Book.

Finally we took our first field trip of the school year this week. We went to a local bakery to learn how pretzels are made. We got to go into the kitchen where the goodies are prepared. Then they told a short story about the first pretzel. I was surprised that it was all about God! They each got a clump of dough and learned the steps to making the perfect pretzel...The only down side was it took 40 mins for all our pretzels to bake! They were yummy though and the girls learned something new. I liked this field trip because they actually got to learn how to do something and make it with their own hands.We've taken a lot of field trips to museums and zoos, often the kids have fun but at the end of the day you wonder if they actually learned anything new from it. This year I'm hoping to find more hands on experiences for them like this one for our field trips. Boo's best friend happens to be doing MFW 1st grade also! I don't know if that qualifies as enough students to start a "Synergy Group", however it works out great for curriculum related field trips (if I can find any) because they are learning about the same things.


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