Boo finished learning all the vowels. We looked at one vowels each day and practiced reading words with that short vowel sound. A song that we sang to help us was to the tune of B-I-N-G-O ("There were some letters in our alphabet and vowel's was their name-o...A-E-I-O-U..and vowels was their name-o") By the end of the week we moved to reading 4 letter words ending with blends (st, nd, mp, etc.) It still takes her time to read the words but I think she's doing really well sounding them out on her own.
For history we talked about how people speak different languages and those languages have writing that looks different from ours. We learned that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek. We talked a little about Bible translation and thanked God that there are people who can understand more than one language so that we can have a copy of the Bible in our language. We looked at what Genesis 1:1 looked like in the original Hebrew writing. Boo thought the letters looked really crazy and hard to learn. For fun she practiced writing some of the Hebrew letters/symbols in the verse.
I thought she might complain about a test, but she was actually really proud to be "a big girl," and take a test like Sis. I think it boosted her confidence some.
In science we are learning about plants and flowers. We talked about seeds, roots, pollination, flowers, etc. Then we went outside to find a plant with roots to examine and plucked it out of the ground. We took it indoors to look at it more closely and examine the different parts. Baby Bear was pretty interested in the plant too!
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