Saturday, January 23, 2016

MFW 1st grade: Week 13

The good thing about this week is that we made it through a whole unit without having to split it into two! That means Boo is getting better with her reading. This week was fairly easy for her! The bad thing about this week is that she caught a nasty cold. We skipped art and anything extra. She had pretty short school days (less than an hour) just doing her reading and math. So there aren't many pictures for this week.

For her reading Boo continued to read a page about creation each day in her Bible reader. Then she added land, plants,sun, moon, stars, fish and birds to the picture she's making in her notebook. We also learned that the letter Y makes the long /e/ at the end of some words like baby or pony.

We have a long list of sight words that we practice each day now too with flash cards. I also caught Boo trying to read some books on her own free time this week. She did a pretty good job identifying some of the words. It makes me happy that she's showing a real interest in reading. I hope that as she learns she will end up loving books as much as Sis does.

Boo finished her weather chart this week. So far all she's had to do with it is circle a picture of "sunny, cloudy, raining or snowing." Now that it's finished I think there will be a project with it coming up next week.

For math we are still using the Lego bricks for addition this week. I think it's helping her a lot.

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