Saturday, October 24, 2015

MFW 1st grade: Week 7

Well we took 2 weeks to get through week 7, partly because of some sick days and partly because Boo needed some extra review. I'm still a little hesitant to move forward. We're just going to move slowly until she feels comfortable with her new phonics sounds. We've been reviewing /sh/ /ch/ /th/ /ing/ /ang/ and long vowels with a silent "e." She still gets confused by all the new sounds, but with lots of practice she's getting it.

This was one reading game we did this week... I taped some of her words on the wall. Then she had to point to one and read it. If she got it right she got to take it down and put it in a pile. The ones she missed or had trouble with we left on the wall and practiced them more.

For math Boo started learning addition. The past 2 weeks we covered adding by 0's and 1's. We use MathUSee which focuses on one math concept at a time until it's mastered. We will be learning all the addition facts for the remainder of the school year and then hopefully moving to subtraction.

We are learning about Proverbs in Bible. Boo has memorized 2 so far and now we are working on the 3rd. This week we learned the first half of Proverbs 10:5 and next week we will learn the rest. We're talking about being a hard worker compared to being lazy. We're also still enjoying our bible devotionals in her "5 minute devotionals for Children," book. This week we also learned that there are 66 books in the Bible. We stacked 2 piles of books on the table. One with 39 books and the other with 27 to illustrate the number of books in the old and new testaments.

One thing that we decided to skip this year is the Drawing with Children book that is scheduled in the
teacher's manual. We did not like that book when we tried it with Sis a few years back. So Boo has been joining in on some of the art/craft projects that Sis is doing with her school work. However, Boo loves to color and draw and there is not much art for her this year. Sis on the other hand has tons of drawing and projects in her Heart of Dakota. So,I decided that Boo and I would work through Usborne's "I Can Draw Animals," book together. She was so excited! It's much more simple and fun for her than trying to do the Drawing with Children in my opinion. This week we followed the steps and  did our first drawing together of a lion. Baby Bear joined us
 ( her's didn't quite look like a lion yet, but she actually does really well for a 2 year old! All my girls are little artists.)

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