History: I think that this will be our last week in Ancient Egypt. It seems like we've been learning about Egyptians forever now! The two books that we have been reading for history are "Grandpa's Box" and "Tirzah." In both stories we are now reading about the Exodus...the Hebrew people leaving Egypt and their time in the desert. Next week will begin studying the time period when the Israelite's moved into the promised land. We've had a lot of fun learning about Egypt though and I'm kind of sad it's ending. This week Sis did some further internet research on Pharaohs. She learned that Pharaoh's were considered gods. We read about the most famous pharaohs (mostly Tut,) how a person got to become a pharaoh, what they wore, who the youngest Pharaoh was, etc. We also added the Exodus to our history timeline.
Her history project for this week was to make an Egyptian pyramid out of white paper. This was by far the most frustrating project we've tried this year. We went through 4 sheets of paper trying to get the dimensions right. Every time, our lines were off and our pyramid walls didn't line up!!! We persevered and finally got a pyramid that looked half way decent. For those of you trying this one, I suggest using an extra large sheet of paper, a ruler, and making a perfect square instead of a diamond. Since real pyramids were originally covered with limestone our second step was to paint our pyramid with a diluted glue and sprinkle with sugar. Next we added a ground colored like sand, used a flashlight to cast a shadow, and shaded the shadowed area. Lastly, we painted the tip of our pyramid "gold," like the Great Pyramid of Giza.

In science we are learning about muscles. We learned the different types of muscles. The names of some muscles. What makes muscles grow and why they are important to our bodies. Sis made made a newspaper article about some of the things she learned. We also did several experiments. One was to see how long she could hold her arms out straight before her muscles tired out. Another, while learning about smooth muscles she tried to push a clay ball through a nylon demonstrating how the smooth muscles have to contract and squeeze to push the food and waste through our intestines.
We also added muscles to our "personal person" project.
Not too much exciting to note about all our other subjects. We're finding the area of parallelograms and doing division in math.Sis is flying through her 5th grade spelling (hardly ever misses a word.) She's wanting to be part of some sort of spelling bee, I might have to look into that in the future. We're practicing adverbs and still diagramming sentences in Language. In Bible we're reading a chapter called "How can I know what is true." That's been really good. Other than that Christmas shopping is in full swing over here (Yes I said Christmas!gasp!) I'm already planning out our holiday breaks and activities. It is quickly approaching! I'm also working on trying to fit in some fun and educational field trips soon. We shall see.
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