Saturday, October 31, 2015

MFW 1st grade: Week 8

Boo is moving right along this week with her reading. Her biggest struggle right now is remembering /ing./ For some reason she can never remember that one. We made an ING poster. She colored it and drew little pictures of /ing/ words like "sing" and "wing." The we hung it up where she will see it all day. throughout the day all week I point to it and ask her what it says. I'm trying hard here! I don't know that it makes the greatest wall decoration (one of the joys of homeschooling is you end up with random letters, maps and artwork posted all over your  but I think it's helping.

Boo memorized her proverb and did her handwriting/copywork. We also learned about who wrote the Bible. We talked about a few like Moses, David, Paul, Matthew, etc...but we learned that God is the true author of the Bible.

For art we used our drawing book to draw a cat.

In science we learned about rain. We talked about the water cycle. It rained one day this week so we got to watch the rain and look at rain clouds.

All of the kids also had dentists appointments at the start of the week. Apparently while they were down the hall getting x-rays the Dr. asked them "What is your favorite part of being homeschooled?" Boo answered "My favorite part is that I get to be with my family and not have to leave them for hours every day." Sweet huh? Well then I found out Sis answered, "I just like that I don't have to get ready in the mornings...I do school in my pajamas." hmmmm...Wonder what the dentist thought about that? lol...You never know what they're gonna say! Shhh, That's secretly one of my favorite parts too though! Oh the joys of homeschooling.

I was sharing with another mom on fb this week who was worried about being a couple days behind due to sickness. I told her how I have learned to not stress about our schedule and curriculum so much, but to just take school one day at a time and relax. It got me thinking. So many people I know live their lives so rushed, tired, and stressed. Part of the freedom that comes with homeschooling is making our own schedule, taking life slowly, enjoying life. I'm very thankful that my kids and I are blessed to get to stay home. Most weekdays there's no where we have to be or anywhere we have to go. Our lifestyle is much more relaxed than most people. Schedules are a good and healthy thing. Sometimes however even as homeschoolers in our business to get everything done, all the boxes checked off, every subject covered, all the housework, we forget that it's ok to NOT do everything! It's ok to take a day off just because. It's ok to sleep in and even healthy to do so. It's ok to NOT check every box that day. It's ok to skip science for the day and just go for a walk together. You are in control of your time and schedule, ENJOY your school days. Life is too short not to. Take a deep breath and realize you don't have to let your curriculum control you! Spend time together making breakfast, then some time in prayer. maybe take a day to just play board games and read together. Your kids future and education is not going to suffer if you put spelling off till tomorrow! RELAX! Your kids are learning and enjoying life and isn't that at least one of the reasons you chose this lifestyle for your family to begin with?

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