Sis' history project was to make a flip-book of the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. The flip-book was 10 pages long. It showed the alter and sacrifice being drenched with water and then fire coming down and consuming it.
Our vocabulary words for this week were: obliged, archer, obsidian, summoned, and luxuries. Our weekly vocab words are taken from whatever history text we are using that week. Sis looks them up in her dictionary and adds the definition to her vocabulary journal w/ an illustration and example sentence.
In our Draw and Write Through History Sis drew a Phoenician ship. Last week we learned about the Phoenicians, ancient Greece, and all the Greek gods they worshiped. This week we learned that Jezebel the wicked wife of King Ahab came from that area, she brought to Israel with her the false gods.

Language & Math: I don't blog much about LA, spelling, and math because there's never really anything too exciting about them. Still we do them every day. Sis has a 16 word list of spelling words that she learns each week and takes a spelling test every Friday. This year in math she is learning division using MathUsee Delta. This week we learned about figuring averages though. We also use First Language Lessons for the Well Trained Mind. Sis does 4 lessons a week from this book. This week we practiced diagramming subjects and verbs, direct and indirect objects and memorized the list of "subject pronouns" and "object pronouns."
Science: This week we started a unit on nutrition! It's very interesting, but also convicting! Ch 1. started out by saying it's important that we study nutrition and the human body, so that we know how to take care of the bodies God gave us and know how the food we eat effects us. We learned the main nutrients that our body needs to survive. We looked at the difference between eating an apple and a candy bar or food with little nutrients. I have to admit that we love our desserts and junk food. If nothing else, I think just learning the technicality of what happens to the foods we put in our bodies will motivate us to try to eat healthier!
I won't be posting a blog for first grade this week since Boo is taking some time for review. She has been working really hard on her reading though.We've been using a lot of online phonics games and books like for extra practice.
I want to do some special Thanksgiving activities next week with Boo instead of our regular curriculum. Since it will be a short week anyway, and we're excited to be going out of town for the holiday, we'll probably wait until after Thanksgiving before we move forward with Boo's curriculum.
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