This week was turkey week! I hope you all had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We had a 3 day school week and even those days were much shorter than usual. Most of the week was spent relaxing, stuffing our faces and playing family board games. We skipped science and language this week, but we were able to fit in math, spelling and most of our other subjects.
History: In history we are still in 2 Kings. We studied a large chunk of history in just a few days. First we learned about the Assyrians. They were the greatest, most powerful army of that time. We learned about how wicked they were and how cruel they treated their enemies. We learned about all the counties they conquered including the Northern kingdom of Israel, and how they were feared by the world. We learned about Sennacherib King of Assyria. From our Bible we learned stories of Hezekiah, king of Judah, and how God protected them from the Assyrians. One of the interesting things we learned was that Nineveh was one of the most important cities in Assyria. Sis immediately recognized Nineveh as the city from the story of Jonah and the big fish. It's amazing that after seeing in this weeks stories how wicked Assyria was and how badly they treated God's people, knowing that years later God would send Jonah so he could have mercy on them. Second started learning about Jeremiah and Babylon.
Even though we didn't actually learn the story of Jonah this week Sis learned to draw a whale in her "Draw and Write Through History" book, since Nineveh was part of our history lesson.
We also researched scrolls. In one of our stories the king of Assyria sent a message on a scroll to King Hezekiah. Sis' history project was to make a scroll and write the words of 2 Kings 19:32-34.
Boo spent a few days this week reviewing again and practicing her reading. She started learning her addition by 2's in math. We all did a cute color by number turkey for thanksgiving. We also filled out a "Thankfulness A-Z worksheet." You can find a free printable HERE. Together we came up with something to be thankful for for each letter of the alphabet.
A few of the things I'm most thankful for this holiday season. #1: That 19 years ago as undeserving as I am God chose me. That he decided to reach down from heaven and grab a hold of my rebellious heart and change my life. I shutter to think of what my life would look like today without Christ or what the future would hold for me. I am most thankful for my salvation. #2: I'm thankful for my husband and marriage. He is my best friend. I'm thankful to have someone who shares my heart, someone to talk to, laugh with, and grow old with. #3: For the children God has given us to raise. #4: For the opportunity to home school. I know not everyone is in a place to be able to stay home with their kids. I'm truly grateful... and #5: I'm thankful for the hard times. Through every hardship and struggle God has always provided. My trials have made me who I am, and have taught me that God will never leave me and will always keep his word.
Thanksgiving is suppose to be a time of the year to give thanks, but the Bible says we are to give thanks to the Lord always. No matter what you're going through, you still have so much to thank Him for. Thank God that you are breathing, that you have food to eat, and clean water to drink. You can always think of someone, somewhere who has it harder than you. And If you know the Lord than even when this life seems like it couldn't be worse, you can rejoice in knowing that this life is temporary and you have the promise of eternal life! There's nothing greater to be thankful for than that!
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