Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MFW 1st grade: Week 18

Reading: Boo is trucking along through her reading curriculum. This week she learned that "ph" makes the /f/ sound as in Joseph and the /u/ in "put."

Boo read the stories of Jacob's dream and Joseph in her Bible reader. Joseph is one of my favorite stories! On our timeline we added all 12 of Jacob's son's (who would become the 12 tribes of Israel) and a picture of Joseph wearing his colorful robe.

Boo added one illustration to her notebook. Some how we skipped the picture for Jacob's Dream! I don't really know why Joseph is standing on a huge green rock with a cane or what's up with the mountains! She's not lacking in creativity. This was the first notebook page though where Boo had to make up her own sentence about the story, rather than copy the title from her book. She thought it up and then I wrote it down for her on a sheet of paper and she copied it into her notebook.

Math: This week Boo started learning subtraction. We learned the minus symbol and words like "difference, minus, take away." One of the activities we did was "fish cracker math." Boo used fish crackers as counters to help her figure the answers. She had a worksheet where she subtracted by feeding fish to a whale. I think Boo ended up eating more goldfish than the whale though.

Boo's wrote her memory verse this week. I'm focusing more on learning the verses than handwriting right now. I bought Boo a great big handwriting workbook for next year and we're really going to work on improving her writing then. We also aren't following the MFW schedule for memory verses. I think learning a new verse every week is too much for her right now. I would rather her learn fewer verses and really learn them than just memorize them for a few days and move on. Sis did not retain hardly any of her verses from 1st grade because of this reason. I'm hoping the ones we have chosen to do this year stick! 

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