We spent a good amount of time this past week catching up on the things that we skipped the week before, after having some days off. We are now learning about the Middle Ages.
History: This weeks unit was called "World Religions Spread." We read about Christianity in the middle ages and learned about Roman Catholics, monks, nuns, and Popes. Then we learned about the early years of Islam and Muhammad. We ended the week by learning about Charlemagne and the "Dark Ages." I think that in all of history this is the time period that I am least familiar with. Just about everything we read this week was new to me, so I'm learning along with Sis.

Illuminated Letters
Sis project was to make an illuminated manuscript with the words of Psalm 1:2 written in black ink. The illuminated letter "B" was painted with gold paint and then the rest colored with crayons.
We are also still reading our viking stories.

Science: This week Sis worked on her model of the heart for anatomy. We painted marshmallows on toothpicks!!! These small ones represented the pulmonary veins and then she painted large ones for the ascending aorta. We will have pictures of the finished product next week.
Math: Sis has been getting frustrated with math as the problems get longer and harder. However we only have two weeks of long division left. That last week the problems look really hard, but the text says beyond that students will probably just need to use a calculator! She is going to be so happy when I tell her she's done though, because she's getting to the point where she hates math time lately.
Next week we move onto Medieval Times!! It looks like there will be some fun activities.
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