Saturday, March 19, 2016

MFW 1st grade: Week 19

This past week was a pretty busy one. On Monday the girls had a swim party at swim class. All three of them got to swim and have cookies and pop with their class. They also got certificates and awards. 

 On Thursday we celebrated St. Patrick's Day after school at Grandma's house. Our tradition is to make corned beef and cabbage and have dinner with my mom. We made shamrock ribbons to wear, and did a craft where we used large marshmallows as stampers. We dipped them in green paint and made shamrock pictures. With our dinner we had green drinks for the kids and shamrock frosted sugar cookies! We also played board games and watched a movie. It was a fun evening.    


Boo learned about Moses this week in school. We read about baby Moses in the basket. We also read about Moses killing the Egyptian and fleeing to Midian. Sis did several pages in her phonics workbook. We're still adding new phonics sounds each week. One thing that made me happy is that twice this week Boo has asked to read her Bible reader on her own after school. She takes it to her bed and tries to read it to her dolls while I'm working with Sis. That tells me that she at least doesn't hate reading (sometimes she gets so frustrated during reading time that it makes me wonder!)

She drew a picture of the princess bringing baby Moses up out of the river and wrote her summery sentence. I feel like her notebook pages have been getting sloppier each week. This is probably for several reasons. First, the newness of the bible notebook has worn off (on day 1 she was so excited she worked on her artwork for a half hour, now it's like Do we have to?) Secondly, I haven't supervised her art work as closely the past couple weeks partly, because she's developed this "I'm big enough to do it by myself." attitude. Lastly, because we're all getting spring fever and are ready to be done with school quickly. It gets really hard this time of year to get the kids to do their best work, because they're all daydreaming about summer.    

We have been working on subtraction in math. This week we practiced counting backward on a number line. We did an activity where we made a long number line on the floor, then I gave her a math problem like 5-3 and she had to hop 3 spaces on the number line to the 2 etc. We also did a story problem activity where we made up addition and subtraction stories and acted them out, plus a few subtraction sheets from our workbook.

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